{08.09.11} Products

It's crucial how a piece of clothing feels when worn—
relaxed, lived in,
a natural look.

- Margaret Howell

Check Out

The Easy D.B.

It's the jacket of the moment, but the double breasted jacket can sometimes feel a bit formal, especially on warmer days. But this partially lined version, made from an indigo-dyed cotton/linen drill fabric, is decidedly cooler—literally. Made in England by British designer Margaret Howell, the patch pocket blazer was inspired by the shirt jackets worn by French farmers Howell noticed on one of her first trips to France as a child. The buttons are metal, which just adds to the durability of the piece. This is a jacket meant to be lived in. The sleeves are a tad wider than we expected, but it makes them easier to roll up. After all, the jacket was based on a blue collar uniform. But be warned: it just went on sale and is selling quickly, so act fast.

Indigo utility jacket, $191 (on sale), at South Willard and Tres Bien












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