A man's personal male attendant, responsible for his clothes, appearance and manners.
A rack or stand to hang clothing. A box to store a man's wallet, watches and jewelry.
An online lifestyle publication focused on the latest and best in fashion, culture and gear for men.
Valet. is an independently-published lifestyle website delivering daily news on style, grooming and culture tailored especially for the 21st-century gentleman. Our audience of savvy early-adopters checks in each day for our informative yet entertaining stories, handsome layouts and approachable point-of-view. Service is the backbone of the site and each page is beautifully packaged with additional information, graphics and techniques. Consider us your concierge to a well-styled life.
The Valet. team was born and bred in the land of journalism. Meaning there's no pay for play. Every piece of editorial content is chosen for it's relevance, news value or an honest endorsement by someone on staff. Yes, people send us things sometimes. If we're intrigued, we'll try it out and tell you all about it. And if we don't like it, we just might tell you that too.
For media inquiries, please send an email to the press team.
To inquire about contributing to Valet., please see our Employment section.
October: The idea of a men's fashion blog is talked about over drinks.
November: The blog idea expands into a small style site featuring a "product of the day."
December: Plans change. Small site scrapped. A brainstorming session over dinner leads to a full-scale lifestyle site, complete with an encyclopedic sub-section of How-tos and Explainers.
January 16: The site, which is being developed for the modern gentleman, is aptly named Valet..
February 10: The Valet. offices are constructed and production schedules mapped out.
February 16: Design begins wireframing, while Editorial starts researching and gathering content.
March: With wireframes complete, design work begins on page comps for the look of the site.
April 5: Overall site design approved. The search for a logo starts while coding for the pages begins. Editorial content is now being written for the newly named "Handbook" section.
April 13: Logo designs are narrowed down to two. The final version is decided at 11:30 p.m. ET.
April 29: Splash page goes live at midnight. Press requests for interviews with subjects are sent out the following day.
May 3: Production of the site's pages begins.
June 20: The first round of features is completed for the launch.
June 29: Valet. goes live at 4:30 p.m. ET.
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