Would you consider taking the goods online?

Some day. Though at the moment, we definitely like keeping it this physical experience that requires a certain kind of interaction.


40 Great Jones St.
New York | 646.861.2827

(Photos by Nico Arellano)

Shop Talk

Andy Spade and Anthony Sperduti of Partners & Spade (behind J.Crew's brilliant Liquor Store), have just opened an eclectic shop that pulls double duty as the firm's HQ. Monday through Friday will be business as usual, but on weekends, the doors will open to customers. One part retail, one part gallery, the mix of high-end art and quirky vintage finds feels like stepping inside Wes Anderson's psyche. We caught up with Sperduti on the first day of business.


How many of the pieces are one-of-a-kind?


Almost all of them, actually, with a few exceptions. (Impulse items are kept up on shelf, accessible by a library ladder.)


Favorite item in the store?

Has to be the Mike Mills fluxus piece titled '1971' (left), created especially for our space.


What's this we're hearing about custom services and even house calls.

Yeah, we work with a range of artisans—custom aviary designs or trompe l'oeil fireplace paintings are just a few of the services that we'll provide.




Shop Talk

Was this 'Mix' worthy?

What is this?