$15, at Duty Gear Store
There's been a lot of talk recently about the Navy SEALS since the Osama bin Laden raid last week. Of course, looking through some of the recently released training photos, we couldn't help but notice the sailors' swim trunks. (Digging military classics? Big surprise, we know.) What really amazed us was the fact that the trunks haven't changed much since the SEAL program evolved from the Navy's Underwater Demolition Teams during the Second World War. Yes, despite decade's worth of advancements in activewear technology, today's SEALs are issued the same snug poly/cotton shorts issued to the Navy's original Frogmen. And while you could troll eBay for vintage pairs, surplus stores sell new shorts made to exact military specs, complete with brass O-ring belted waistbands.
SEAL trainees, today.
Navy Frogmen, 1951
The amount of Navy SEAL hopefuls that drop out due to the rigorous training.
Vintage photo: courtesy of Ken Garrett. SEAL trainees: Lance Iversen/Corbis
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