by Urbanears
If I had to choose between getting my junk caught in my zipper or having my earbuds get tangled and knotted ... well, never mind. Because thankfully, we don't have to choose. Urbanears, known for their popular line of headphones that combine style and substance, have solved the age-old problem with a patent-pending CableLoop feature on their new Kransen in-ears. The CableLoop lets you wrap the audio jack around the cloth-covered cord and secure it like a pin latch. The buds themselves also snap together like Legos. Once locked into place, the cord stays together in a tidy loop. Meaning you'll never spend an expletive-laced three minutes trying to untangle the multiple knots that have somehow formed simply by stuffing your earbuds into your pocket or bag. What's more, the lightweight and comfortable headphones deliver a surprisingly rich, balanced and finely tuned sound for the affordable price. They also have a built-in microphone/remote and come in ten different colors. Of course, I'm partial to the black or dark blue because they haven't figured out a way to keep the indigo from rubbing off my jeans onto white headphones yet.
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