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How To:
Work the Party Circuit

Navigating the endless loop of social gatherings this season can be daunting. Here's four tips to keep in mind to be the best guest from now until new years. And save us a drink, will you?

How to Leave

Discreetly retrieve your coats. Approach your host quickly and thank them genuinely, turn and exit.

When to Show Up

Never be the first to arrive. You'll get stuck playing co-host when the others show up. But let them know if you plan to get there more than 45 minutes after the start time.

What to Say

Ask open-ended questions—things that begin with who, what and where—to get a conversation started. Or, begin with fail-safes like the day's weather or traffic.

Where to Go

Find your host and say hello. Then proceed to the bar. Chatting in line is good. Lingering at the bar once you have your drinks is bad.

  • Three signs you've outstayed your welcome: The booze has dried up. You've broken something. Your host keeps mentioning how late it is.



How to: Work the Circuit

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