{12.11.09} Food & Drink


A classic (and industrial) cork screw. Pedrini, $10


Number of corkscrews on display at the Culinary Institute of America's Greystone campus in California.

A twin prong cork puller allows you to re-cork the bottle. Peugeot, $25


Holiday Survival


'Tis the season for long lines at stores, for uncomfortable mornings after the office holiday party, for time spent with family members who you haven't seen in over a year. Is it any wonder that there's so much drinking this time of year? Arm yourself with a good cork screw that'll get you through ... at least until new years.

A modern take on the classic sommelier's knife. Kikkerland, $10

This hinged opener is inspired by an antique English design. True Fabrication, $20

Effortlessly pop a bottle open in three seconds. Vertical Rabbit, $60

This pneumatic pump ejects the cork with a pump of air. Costa Brava, $75




Your Holiday Survival Tool

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