You probably don't spend a lot of time at Anthropolgie. Still, you've likely admired the work of Keith Johnson, buyer-at-large, who's responsible for all the eccentric pieces among the windows and racks. The Sundance Channel noticed his talent for unearthing a perfectly worn club chair and decided to follow the globe-trotter from the blacksmiths of South Africa to the salvage shops of Amsterdam. "Man Shops Globe" debuts Wednesday, Oct. 7.
How much time do you spend on the road?
About six months a year. Trips can last anywhere from a few days to eight weeks. Back in the day, we used to buy an "around the world" ticket that let you keep traveling in one direction. That was interesting.
Is it hard traveling with a camera crew in tow?
I was nervous that it would. I'm not natural on camera, and I thought it'd be strange for the shop owners. But it wasn't strange at all. They loved it. Turns out, no matter where you are these days, there's always a camera around.
Favorite find of all time?
In an old barn in Belgium, I bought a music shop. The whole thing—spiral staircase, balcony and all—had been taken from a demolished building and reassembled there. We packed it into crates and we're assembling it now in our new London shop.