
The average time it would take to walk off the 260 calories in a grande pumpkin spice latte.

{09.29.08} On the Horizon

Moving Target

The fall is a time for tailgating before football games. For big, comforting meals and pumpkin spice lattes. Not a time where one is watching what one eats. But this little device promises to keep you in check by tracking daily movements (from steps taken to calories burnt), sleep patterns and food intake. It then wirelessly syncs to a website where you can follow your progress. Oh, and it's roughly the size of a bluetooth headset. Think of it as a pocket-sized personal trainer—holding you responsible for what you eat, how much exercise you get and making sure you get enough sleep. It's due out this winter, just in time for all those new year's resolutions. $99 (pre-order for January), at Fitbit.com.