Brodi, Ukraine
6' 2"
Red Models, NYC
"I like to work out 3-4 times a week. But do I? Well, sometimes."
"On the Cirque de Soleil stage at the Bellagio in Vegas."
You may not know his name, but you know Stan Jouk. In the four years since he was discovered walking in Central Park, Jouk has mugged for GQ, L'Uomo Vogue and Interview, while his angular features have graced the ads and runways of Michael Kors, Lacoste and Dolce & Gabbana. Yes, he gets paid for being so good looking. But the 23-year-old is also a down-to-earth guy who cooks, likes to read and hopes to one day settle down and become a preacher. We asked the iPhone-equipped Jouk to text us reports from the front lines of fashion week on Saturday, September 6, 2008.