{05.30.12} Products

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The Summer Hat

Whether tipped to the side or slid back on the head, there's a throwback swagger that comes with wearing a good hat—especially this time of year. Look for a slimmed-down style, with a slightly flattened crown and shortened brim—known back in the 1960s as a stingy brim fedora. The style has been growing in popularity for the past few summers, but seems to be everywhere this year. From Steven Alan's 100% Panama straw version to Gap's speckled paper straw, there's one for any style or budget.

Club Monaco, $70

Other Options

Stetson, $79

Gap, $30 / $13

Fine and Dandy, $35

Steven Alan, $158

    Like a shoe tree for hats, The Hat Jack ($18) absorbs moisture and helps retain your hat's shape and size.