{04.02.13} Skin Care

$50 (with free shipping),
at The Motley

Test Lab

Gameface Moisturizer

The Promise

The signature product of an up-and-coming grooming line from a former professional cricket player out of New Zealand, Gameface moisturizer from Triumph & Disaster is "a tool to serve and protect you against the elements ... Engineered by infusing jojoba extract, horopito oil and Vitamin E, it's nutrient rich and hydrating."

The Trial

First off, the old school metal tube is a nice change of pace from the sea of plain plastic bottles. A little of the lightweight lotion goes a long way, so a tube would last you a couple of months. After a shave, we'd dab a jellybean's worth of Gameface into our hands and spread it around our face and neck. All natural and paraben-free, it smoothes on easily and has a unique peppery, almost smokey scent. Soothing and refreshing, the experience reminds us of using the toiletries found at really good hotels.

The Results

It absorbs into skin extremely quickly without feeling sticky or leaving your face shiny. And throughout the day, your mug stays hydrated but remarkably grease-free. Within a week, your skin really looks noticeably better and feels healthier thanks to the jojoba, which dermatologists recommend to condition skin and calm breakouts.

    Improve your skin while you sleep. The Motley's Matthew Taylor Ruggieri offers some helpful suggestions.