{02.13.13} Space

A Man's Home

Wall to Wall

If your walls could talk, would they say "we're bored"? Would they say "we're naked"? Perhaps you've recently moved into your first apartment. Or maybe you just haven't gotten around to putting anything more than a fresh coat of paint up on your walls. If that's the case, treat yourself to some decent art. It's an easy way to upgrade your place and support some creative people in the process. Whether you're looking for old school style (like a chart of vintage sailing signals and authentic Kodachome photos from the Shorpy archives) or something a bit more modern (like a one of kind relief print of wood rings or a limited-edition silkscreened star map of the southern sky), there are a handful of easy-to-order options out there no matter your budget. Art doesn't have to be highfalutin' but it should be personal. So choose something that speaks to you and you'll never regret hanging it in your home.

Southern Sky map
by Steffen Heidemann
and Viktoria Klein, $94
at Stellavie

20x200 prints,
from $59 at West Elm

Kodachrome photographs,
from $15 at Juniper Gallery

Woodcut relief print, $1,250
by Bryan Nash Gill

Laser cut wood maps, from
$128 by Below the Boat

Private Signals of Yachtsmen,
$25 at Empiric Studio

Other Options
It doesn't have to be just framed pictures up on your wall.
Why not a vintage clock or a small shadowboxed flag?

IBM Clock, $235 at Schoolhouse Electric


Flag, $125 at Restoration Hardware