Jordan Taylor
of Valet.

It's a classic summer situation. You spend all weekend kicking back at the beach (the pool or your backyard), and come Monday you've not only got some serious stubble to contend with, but you're sunburned to boot. Splashing on some hot water and running a blade across your face is the last thing you want to do. Which is why we were intrigued by REN Skincare's High Glide Cooling Shave Cream. After pumping out a stiff dollop of the all-natural cream, I slathered it onto my dry whiskers. Traces of peppermint oil cooled on contact while fruit enzymes and chamomile are promised to reduce inflammation and redness—easing the pain of my burn and preventing razor bumps. But if those beneficial properties weren't enough, the cream is made for a quick, slippery shave without any snags or nicks. Though, at this price, I might keep this face-saver for after sun shaves only.

$40, at Barneys



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